Sustainability will become an integral part of construction contacts if a proposal by the Joint Contracts Tribunal (JCT) is adopted.

At a policy meeting on 7 November the JCT will propose that construction contracts contain sustainability performance provisions. Key organisations from all industry sectors are due to attend the meeting to discuss whether writing sustainability into contracts will be effective; what remedies could be sought for failure to meet sustainability requirements; and whether their inclusion would encourage designers to give priority to environmentally sound measures.

Peter Hibberd, JCT secretary general, said: “It will be interesting to hear what the supply and demand sides of the industry think about this proposal, and to explore how, and if, contracts can be used effectively to improve sustainability in the industry.

“Contracts already provide the framework for performance of the parties working on a project, and could be adapted to include environmental provisions. Our proposed approach is similar to that being adopted by the Olympic Delivery Agency, which will ensure particularly high standards of sustainability, health and safety, and occupational health throughout the entire supply chain.”