Six multidisciplinary teams have made the shortlist of a competition to design a scientific research station in Antarctica.

The Halley VI competition, which was run by the British Antarctic Survey and the RIBA, attracted 86 entries. The architects on the shortlist are:

  • Lifschutz Davidson
  • Hugh Broughton Architects
  • Francis Design–BMT Nigel Gee and Associates
  • Hopkins Architects
  • Make Places–The Design Laboratory–Richard Horden Associates
  • Richard Rogers Partnership.

The competition brief was to create a self-sufficient research station on a 150 m thick floating ice shelf that would be able to withstand temperatures of –30°C. The complex, which would replace the Halley V station, would also need to have a minimum impact on the environment.

Chris Rapley, the director of the British Antarctic Survey and chairman of the jury panel, said: “We are delighted with the global interest from design teams. Judging was tough as the standard of entries was extremely high.

“The panel are very happy with the shortlist and look forward to moving on to the next stage of the competition.”

An exhibition of the shortlisted designs will be displayed at the RIBA in London from 15 November 2004 to 8 January 2005.