A business needs to shout about its successes if it wants new clients start to pay attention to it. Likewise, maintaining a high profile or publicising a successful or groundbreaking scheme is useful to entice new employees to apply for work.

The easiest way to raise your firm’s profile is to get your scheme published in leading industry titles such as bsj. But how do you work out a press strategy for your business or for a particular project? And how do you set about getting work published in the architectural, engineering and construction press?

New book Effective Press Relations for the Built Environment: A Practical Guide, written by public relations specialist, journalist and bsj contributor Helen Elias, sets out to provide the answers.

The book takes a hands-on approach to topics such as:

  • How to plan a strategy for a project or company.
  • How to write a press release.
  • How to build a target press list. and issue information to magazines.
  • How to speak to the press.
  • How to manage a crisis.
  • How to handle bad press.
It will provide an invaluable tool both for any business that wants to start to generate publicity or for large firms that want to take a more proactive role in generating their own publicity. It is even claimed to help those businesses that already have a press consultant to get the most out of them. In addition, to help a firm get started the book also includes listings of architectural photographers and PR consultants.