1:00PM Steedman to join management consultant as director of group strategy

Construction and management consulting firm High-Point Rendel has recruited Scott Steedman, a former director of civil engineering at consultant Whitbybird, as director of group strategy.

The move is part of the company's switch to providing integrated services covering project definition, project leadership, project turnaround and risk management.

Dr Steedman has been an independent consultant since 2003 specialising in risk, forensic engineering and innovation and is a vice-president of the Royal Academy of Engineering and a vice-president of the Institution of Civil Engineers. He will have responsibility for the development of High-Point Rendel's image and culture, both externally and within the company the firm said.

Last year he was the only non-American task leader on the US Army engineer-led Federal investigation of the flooding in New Orleans. A geotechnical engineer by background and former lecturer at Cambridge University, he also has worked at the Lawgibb Group as diretcor of engineering.

Chief Executive Kelvin Hingley said: "We are totally committed at High-Point Rendel to creating a new type of consulting firm and we are delighted to have Scott on board to help deliver that process."

Dr Steedman said: "High-Point Rendel represents the future of UK consulting - a people-focused organisation where we really have the opportunity to build something dynamic, client driven and successful."