Eon UK is developing a giant battery, the size of four articulated lorries, to store electricity generated by large scale renewable projects.

Currently, power generated by installations such as wind farms is not used efficiently because it is impossible to predict when the wind will blow or sun shine. The ability to store energy and use it as and when required is a major step forward for renewable technologies.

Scientists at Eon’s Nottingham-based technology centre aim to build a large scale prototype battery that will be able to store one megawatt of electricity for four hours – the equivalent of 10 million AA batteries. Bob Taylor, managing director of Eon energy wholesale and technology, said: “Green power is only generated from wind farms when the wind blows and that might not be when the power is needed by customers. By researching and developing this battery we can store the power generated and then use it when customers need it most.

“The storage system will also help the development of localized generation. For example, a school with solar panels can store the power generated at weekends and use it in the week.”