All Features articles – Page 494

  • Features

    New-build completions


    Private sector completions are up again this month, but only just. Once again, the South-east is in the vanguard of build activity. Merseyside continues to lag behind in spite of Steve Morgan’s interest in Liverpool FC.

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    Let them eat cake


    After some years surviving off crumbs of Housing Corporation grant, 71 housing associations are to sit down to a two-year feast as preferred partners with backing for a string of projects. Josephine Smit looks at the impact on development. Data collated and analysed by Irum Malik of Economic Strategies

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    Buyer demand


    SmartNewHomes reports that the number of buyers looking for apartments has decreased, whereas detached and semi-detached houses are growing in popularity. So much for the urban loft lifestyleMethodologyThe New Homes Demand Index is based on enquiries recorded on the website and records the price people are willing to pay ...

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    Planning approvals


    In the high-pressure South-east, approvals are holding steady, whereas London makes a big leap from 165 in March. Maybe the government's wish to increase housebuilding in the South can come true after all

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    Euro 2004


    In Lisbon on 4 July, 26 television cameras will relay pictures of this goalmouth to 35 million screens, to be watched by some of the 7 billion viewers who have followed the finals of the 2004 European championship.

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    Movers and shakers this week

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    Workers' welfare


    We report on how baa is making sure all its construction staff live to see the end of the job

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    What there is still to do


    – and will the terminal's interior rise to the occasion?

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    On site


    It's finally up. After years of design work, months of testing and weeks of careful assembly, the first section of the main terminal's giant waveform roof is in place.

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    We explain how the celebrated T5 agreement works

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    Here's where talk of templates becomes literal. We tell it like it is

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    The general idea


    Andy Wolstenholme talks to us through the battle for T5

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    Words from the front


    Mitch Parsons, a construction manager from Laing O'Rourke north, describes life at the sharp end of T5B

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    Mike Davies


    T5's project architect tells us about his 20 years spent designing the same building

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    Community relations


    "I've worked on projects at Heathrow and Stansted, but this is one of the most challenging jobs I've done – Terminal 5 is very large and very visual. It has a potentially huge impact on local residents in terms of nuisances like construction noise; my role is to ensure that ...

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    The captain, speaking


    We listen carefully to Tony Douglas, T5's managing director

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    Introduction: Why T5 is the future of UK construction


    The construction of a passenger terminal at Heathrow was essential if the airport was to cope with a rise in the market for air travel of up to 7% a year, and if it was to maintain its claim to be Europe's premier airport. Necessity was the mother of Terminal ...

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    We explain how the design process was optimised

  • Features

    Rise of the machines


    It is the year 2004, and a 400-year-old firm in Sussex, England, has become mankind's last hope of resistance to the machine-made roof tile – but for how much longer?

  • Features

    Just the job


    Solicitor Anthony Fine was among the first to specialise in PFI contracts. Here he tells us about the challenges it poses and his predictions for this evolving market