All Features articles – Page 484

  • Echeck

    Plasterboard: Hush hush


    Changes in planning policy have elevated plasterboard from a way to subdivide a room into a vital tool of government policy. But only if it passes stringent acoustic tests. So how is the next generation is meeting the challenge?

  • Gyvlon: Crackdown

    Gyvlon: Crackdown


    Any firms interested in finding a flooring material that is faster and greener than traditional screeds, doesn’t need reinforcement and won’t shrink may be interested in Gyvlon …

  • Concrete: Freeflow

    Concrete: Freeflow


    The architect for this museum in Lincoln wanted a concrete that would be quick and easy to pour, yet have a finish sensitive enough to record the texture of a leaf. Here’s how he found it

  • Features

    Local lowdown: Central Scotland


    Robert Smith of Hays Montrose says that, in central Scotland, PFIs are leading the way

  • The Combined Universities of Cornwall was a testing ground for Lafarge's

    Cement: Mixmasters


    Those fighting construction’s never ending war against cock-ups on site have just been handed a powerful new weapon: cements that have been precisely blended to do the job that they’re supposed to

  • How's this for an executive box?

    How’s this for an executive box?


    In a backlash against Brookside-style housing, Stock Woolstencroft has designed a model high-density apartment scheme with a splash of colour that also regenerates a historic area of north London suburbia.

  • Gary Walker

    Walker’s big score


    The thing is, there must be 50 ways to screw up a £1bn project, and if you can think of 25 of them, you’re a genius. We talk to a man who’s trying to do even better than that …

  • Bernard Kasriel

    Bernard Kasriel: Realpolitic


    Bernard Kasriel, chief executive of Lafarge, talks about environment-friendly technology, negotiating with suspicious governments and the delicate business of digging enormous great holes

  • Features



    Movers and shakers this week

  • Features

    Specifier Products


    The latest window and door solutions, including new doors for a venerable institution in Cambridge, fire station entrances that fly open in seconds and some eye-catching coloured glazing

  • Features

    The rules


    A quick guide to the changes to access regulations in Part M and how they will affect door specification, and Davis Langdon takes a look at the costs of doors and windows

  • Software HQ gets green glazing

    How to specify a doorset


    Ensuring all the components of a doorset combine to give the required performance on site is a major challenge for any specifier. Here we outline how current Building Regulations apply to an internal door

  • cats

    Hounded out


    Cats and dogs can Britain’s favourite pets, but if you live in council accommodation you’d probably have to make do with a bird or fish.

  • Concrete firm Gunite

    Gunite wins Little Britain


    The Little Britain Challenge Cup attracts 2,500 sailors and sees concrete firm Gunite win the main event.

  • Features

    Spinning yarns


    Rain may have stopped play at a David Wilson Homes’ sponsored cricket match but it didn’t dampen the spirits of the has-been cricketers booked for the event.

  • Features

    Waste not, want not


    Council nimbyism and short-sighted government policy is in danger of turning Britain into a fly-tippers paradise. If the UK is to deal with its growing mountain of rubbish thousands of waste treatment facilities will have to be built by 2020, says Nigel Mattravers.

  • Features

    I quit!


    Leaving a job can be as hard as getting one in the first place, says Richard Woods of recruitment specialist MC2

  • Three years of terror

    Three years of fear


    9/11 was the day the world changed – if only in how scared people became. To quell these fears, the way we put up buildings has since undergone some pretty radical changes itself. We report on how Osama Bin Laden’s terror attacks transformed our industry

  • Features



    Technical advances in window design are being made all the time, and specifiers need to keep abreast of the changes. Barbour Index and Scott Brownrigg outline five things to consider to get the best results

  • The Bin Laden story

    The Bin Laden story


    Summer 1971 in the small Swedish town of Falun. Twenty-two members of Saudi Arabia’s richest construction dynasty pose for a holiday snap. Second from the right is a 14-year-old called Osama, later to become the world’s most wanted terrorist. We report on how his relatives have tried to rescue the ...