All Features articles – Page 440

  • Features

    Spotlight on toilet pods


    Gardiner & Theobald throw the spotlight on modular toilet pods

  • Angus Boag

    Once in a life time


    One of the things about the grandeur of the King’s Cross projects is that they provide up-and-coming developers with a chance to step up to the superleague. Elaine Knutt found out how the Manhattan Loft Corporation’s Angus Boag is planning to do just that

  • Features

    Lead times


    This quarter Mace finds many lead times unchanged, but on the brink of increases next year as strong order books put the pressure on …

  • a small fraction of the people who’ve designed, planned, engineered and built the link

    With this issue...


    ....of Building we are publishing a Channel Tunnel Rail Link supplement.

  • Elliot Lipton: bringing to bear the expertise of the commercial developer

    The inheritors


    The standard business model of the standard volume housebuilder is well tried, well tested and increasingly obsolete. Now the market is being invaded by dynamic, agile firms that have adapted to an environment in which affordability, sustainability and brownfield expertise are what count.

  • Track laying under London

    The incredible journey


    Who’d have thought that building a simple rail line from Kent to London would involve so much work, undertaken by so many people, touching so much of the country and affecting so many water voles? Here’s a quick look at the big picture

  • The stained glass facade is “rather wearing, particularly from the inside”, but does offer impressive views of the Whitechapel Road

    Lovely idea...


    … shame about the council’s cost-cutting hit men. Gus Alexander takes a stroll around Whitechapel’s Idea Store, the David Adjaye-designed library-cum-IT-superstore, and laments what might have been

  • Features

    Projects update: health and safety


    The seconds following a site accident can make all the difference between life and death, which is why the Red Cross has set up a programme of construction-specific first aid training days

  • The large hallways, which, in its day would  have been very grand

    St Pancras Midland Grand Hotel: A hotel to remember


    The Midland Grand Hotel used to be a vast, obsolete luxury liner moored alongside St Pancras station. Then it was an office, then a ruin, and in a few years it will become something truly splendid.

  • Lady on the telephone

    Get the job


    Craig Paterson explains how a good telephone manner can put you ahead of the competition

  • Rural Kent

    The state of the garden


    If Kent’s the garden of England, then Alan Titchmarsh would have something to say about the way it’s been kept. Much of the north coast, for example, is a post-industrial mess – but that is about to change.

  • Stephen Jordan

    Right down the line


    When the CTRL is built, it promises to create a kind of chemical reaction all down its length: grey, post-industrial landscapes will turn into sleek mixed-use developments, business parks and green spaces. Katie Puckett asked LCR’s Stephen Jordan how he intends to keep that promise

  • The demolition of the Compton Arms has stalled … so all building control inspector Trevor Hall can do is tape up the entrance.

    Out of control


    In the week that the RICS lent its support to Building’s Reform the Regs campaign, Sarah Richardson spent a day with Leeds building control to witness the problems at ground level

  • Roger Madelin

    A confident man


    Roger Madelin has waited 20 years to tackle the father, mother and great aunt of all regeneration projects: London King’s Cross. So how come he’s looking so calm, so relaxed?

  • The City of Dreadful Night, captured by Dickens and still going strong today

    A tale of two cities


    The one on this page shows the City of Dreadful Night, captured by Dickens and still going strong today; the other exists only in computers, but if all goes to plan, it’ll be with us tomorrow.

  • Features

    The big picture


    Here, gathered in the soon-to-be-restored gothic splendour of St Pancras Chambers, are a tiny fraction of the people who’ve made CTRL a reality.

  • The roof of St Pancras has had its ugly post-war roof covering replaced with glazing and slated areas to engineer William Barlow’s original design.

    This’ll be the big one


    The vast industrial cathedral of St Pancras is testament to the ingenious engineering of our Victorian forebears and the endurance of wrought iron. But how can it be made into a 21st-century terminus?

  • Jody Tableporter



    Movers and shakers this week...

  • Features

    Miliband talks up importance of ‘vision thing’ at Gateway


    The government intends to have a strategic framework for the Thames Gateway in place by next summer, said communities minister David Miliband.

  • The 1930s market has been converted into facilities for the media and athletes. Some areas have had mezzanines inserted made from steel and wood.

    Turin triumphs


    The next Winter Olympics don’t take place until February, but have Italy’s design teams already won gold? In the second of our features on making the most of the Games, we look at how Turin’s facilities are promising to be a success.