All Features articles – Page 409

  • Features



    Who's got a new job this week?

  • Features

    Cost update: December 2006


    In this quarter’s update on the cost of materials and labour, Peter Fordham of Davis Langdon reports on the latest inflation trends. And reading on we have details of pay awards for workers

  • Solar-powered school

    What to specify: schools


    The latest possibilities to pore over for those tasked with the construction, refurbishment and outfitting of schools …

  • Joanna Davis

    The right stuff


    Think you’re bright, talented and destined for great things? Then you might even think you’ve got what it takes to be nominated for a g4c award by your peers. The g4c (that’s Generation for Collaboration) awards were set up to reward young professionals in construction, and the first winners have ...

  • Chris Cole

    The long haul


    Chris Cole has been with WSP for 33 years, during which time it has developed, diversified, turned into a plc, balanced on the edge of disaster and finally grown into one of the industry’s foremost consultants. Here he tells Mark Leftly all about it.

  • Stubbs Rich has taken a tired old library and reinvented it as a funky learning resource centre

    The grater good


    Education For the new learning resource centre at Herefordshire College of Technology, the architect will reuse the concrete frame of the original library, but add some very inventive mesh cladding.

  • Delph School in Oldham

    Under cover


    Manufacturer Permanite Engineered Roofing Systems has formed an innovative partnership with a local authority to provide roofing for schools across the borough.

  • 16.26pm The first block has collapsed and the fire has spread to the second block

    ‘A lot of the guys won’t work on timber frame again’


    This July, a site in north London turned into a terrifying inferno in the time it takes to make a cup of coffee. Nobody knew why. Now the London Fire Brigade has talked exclusively to Building about what happened and the dangers inherent in multistorey timber-frame sites.

  • Hopkins Architects’ Evelina Children’s Hospital

    Procurement: Public sector projects


    Public sector procurement methods are often criticised for excessive red tape, but on complex projects their effective use is vital to success. Simon Rawlinson of Davis Langdon investigates

  • Adams Kara Taylor … in that order

    A marriage of true minds


    The takeover of Adams Kara Taylor by White Young Green will suit both firms

  • Features

    Dream house Down Under


    When Paul and Jaki Halliday decided to leave London’s traffic-clogged rat’s maze for the hills of New South Wales, they celebrated by commissioning their ideal home. Martin Spring explains how their compatriot, Alan Higgs, designed it

  • Features

    Who calls the shots?


    Main contractors and specialists are engaged in a struggle to seize power in the construction industry. Who will come out on top? Katie Puckett reports from ringside

  • A man-made grotto on the top floor glows seductively with the aid of underwater spotlights

    Spiritual awakening


    Mario Botta’s Swiss Mountain Oasis lifts body, mind and architecture to new levels

  • Here is Richard Rogers, flanked by his heirs apparent: Ivan Harbour, on the right, and Graham Stirk.

    The abdication


    Here is Richard Rogers, flanked by his heirs apparent: Ivan Harbour, on the right, and Graham Stirk. But when will the great man go? What will his successors do when he does? And in the meantime, can they stop Marco Goldschmied’s legal actions taking away their offices? Martin Spring investigates ...

  • Frameless glass fire door



    Even more product innovations

  • Peter Rogers

    Peters plan


    He’s long been one of construction’s enthusiastic modernisers, but now the London Games has spurred Peter Rogers to redouble his efforts. In fact he and his 2012 task group have come up with a 12-point manifesto for change

  • The windows are designed to block traffic noise

    Noises off


    Penoyre & Prasad’s sound-slashing windows star in this week’s Specifier.

  • Features

    Putting Stratford on the map


    The £4bn redevelopment of Stratford City was always going to be big, but when London won the Games last year it ballooned. By 2012 the two projects, which are now inextricably linked, will have created an urban centre with transport links to rival Waterloo. Mark Leftly reports on the transformation ...

  • Features

    The land of opportunity


    Poisoned by gasworks and left derelict, the Lower Lea Valley is crying out for regeneration. But before that happens one of the biggest compulsory purchase orders in history has to be given the nod. Mark Leftly reports on how this unprecedented land deal is taking shape

  • Dean Webster

    Today India, tomorrow the world


    Cyril Sweett boss Dean Webster on the firm’s plans for international growth