All Features articles – Page 391

  • Features

    Temporary catering facilities: Fast food in tricky situations


    Peter Caplehorn of Scott Brownrigg explores the options for specifiers organising temporary catering facilites.

  • Features

    The burning question


    With coal and oil reserves running low, and the pressure on to reduce carbon emissions, you’d have thought the government would be eager to promote combined heat and power. So, why isn’t it? Alistair King reports, in the second article of a series on green energy

  • Yorkon in action at St Mary’s hospital in Portsmouth

    Boxing clever


    Yorkon general manager David Johnson explains why the company’s building systems can be used for anything from airports to animal houses.

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    The mighty bouche


    Janet Street-Porter is renowned for having an opinion on absolutely everything and it seems the construction industry is no exception.

  • Features

    Belfast is booming


    All sectors of the construction industry performed strongly in April, but what really catches the eye is the surge in activity in Northern Ireland, according to Experian Business Strategies’ survey

  • Features



    This week

  • Features

    Time for some answers


    Building’s inaugural webinar on the CDM regulations raised all manner of questions, not all of which were dealt with at the time. Here, Peter Caplehorn of Scott Brownrigg tackles some more

  • Yvette Cooper

    Should Hips come into force on August 1?


    Yvette Cooper today confirmed the Hips start date despite a shortage in energy assessors but should she have put the date back further?

  • Features

    War on waste


    What we’re up against

  • Features

    The shadow of suspicion


    The Office of Fair Trading has reached the critical point of its probe into bid rigging in construction. Dan Stewart and Sarah Richardson look at what it has found, the effect on the industry – and how contractors are fighting back

  • Australian architects Denton Corker Marshall celebrate their new building

    The law machine


    Britain’s biggest court complex since the Royal Courts of Justice is opening in Manchester …

  • Features

    The right tool for the job


    How many recycled products have you specified on that project? how could you use more? wrap’s recycled content toolkit can tell you. Here, three users explain how it works

  • Katherine Bailey and Cathy Stewart

    Does the industry still need women in property?


    The all-female networking club is celebrating its 20th birthday. But does it still need to exist in 2007? We get two opposing views

  • Douglas Genge

    ‘We’re going to tell people this is what happened to us...


    ...and watch out, because it could happen to you, too’

  • The York building contains 18% recycled materials

    Follow the team leader


    Building users are getting used to recycling their waste, but what about the people who construct it? British land is one client that knows the benefits from meeting sustainability targets and feels a responsibility to take a lead

  • David Higgins

    First word


    reducing waste and making use of recycled materials is no longer the preserve the minority. In fact, the uk’s biggest construction project is leading the way, says david higgins, chief executive of the Olympic delivery authority

  • Features

    Shining examples: PV and solar thermal examined


    By the middle of the century the sun could provide 10% of the UK’s energy needs. In the first part of a series on renewable and low-carbon technologies, Alistair King assesses the two systems – photovoltaics and solar thermal – that will help us to meet that target

  • Features

    The end word


    Five easy ways to reduce waste

  • Features

    Better by design


    Designing out waste at the very start saves time and money, and it’s green

  • Features

    Behind the wall


    Her majesty’s prisons are already great at recycling. now they’re setting ambitious targets on waste reduction and building materials