All Features articles – Page 209

  • 1974 training archive

    This week in 1974


    As the construction industry faces a skills shortage, Building’s issue published July 1974 shows the sector facing similar problems

  • Adobe Great Kneighton

    Housing Design Awards 2014: Addresses to impress


    From radical warehouse conversions to art deco elderly care, this year’s Housing Design Awards show an industry emerging from the recession with a spring in its step and unafraid to experiment

  • Peter Amato

    Interview: Peter Amato


    As the man in charge of overseeing Chinese developer Dalian Wanda’s £3bn UK development plans, Peter Amato is already becoming the man contractors and consultants most want to know. But you’ll have to learn to keep up …

  • Zurich

    Subcontracting through the skills shortage


    The turnaround in the sector’s fortunes has thrown up new risks for subcontractors finding new skilled tradesmen. Building hosted an audio webinar, with insurer Zurich, to discuss preventing any potential pitfalls

  • These houses in Berwick-upon-Tweed have been externally insulated and then finished with a basecoat, Tonachino protective coating and topcoat from Mapei’s Silancolor range

    CPD 16 2014: Render-protected external wall insulation


    EWI systems are an effective means of improving a building’s thermal efficiency. Our latest CPD module, sponsored by Mapei, examines the types of system available, as well as colours, finishes and the relevant standards

  • market forecast 2 graph 180714

    Market forecast: Overall improvement


    Q2 2014 saw tender prices and overall activity pick up the pace, largely due to the housing sector. While the demand for skilled trades has led to increases in day rates and wages

  • North facade

    Rogers Stirk Harbour's British Museum


    RSHP’s World Conservation and Exhibitions Centre at the British Museum strives both to harmonise with its neoclassical context and set itself in contrast to it. But does it succeed?

  • Skills gap news analysis

    Training to nowhere


    Plenty of young people across the UK are signing up for construction training - the real problem, according to a report out today, is that many are taking courses that simply don’t meet the industry’s needs.

  • One Brighton

    One Brighton: Five years on


    One Brighton, the UK’s largest private car-free development, was built as a model for sustainable living. Now, five years on, Ike Ijeh visits to ask whether it has lived up to its green promises

  • Sketch of the week july

    Sketch of the week: Open City’s Accelerate into University! programme


    This week’s #buildingdoodle sketch is by Srirat Jongsanguandi, from Seven Kings Sixth Form, year 12.

  • Birmingham Library

    CPD 15 2014: Specifying sustainable paints


    Paint systems can have a major impact on the environmental performance of a project. Our latest CPD module, sponsored by Johnstone’s Trade, outlines the key factors that specifiers need to consider

  • Garden Studio

    What to specify: Cladding


    This week’s cladding products range from insulated wall panels for the new Aldi distribution centre in Goldthorpe, Barnsley, to a fibre cement Equitone facade being installed at the Festival Hall in Erl, Austria

  • New House Alamy

    Zero Carbon Hub report: Performance gap in new homes


    The ‘performance gap’ between the design of new homes and their as-built energy use can no longer be ignored. And according to the Zero Carbon Hub, the only answer is to fundamentally shake up the way that the industry works

  • Flood

    Infrastructure: Flood management


    This year’s extreme weather has highlighted the increasing risk of flooding and the difficulties faced in prioritising investment. EC Harris examines the UK’s approach to flood risk management

  • The Department

    Sketch of the week: The Department


    This week’s #buildingdoodle sketch is by Max Titchmarsh, director at SPARK Architects.

  • Archive Lego

    This week in ... 1994


    With Tower Bridge celebrating its 120th birthday this week, we head back 20 years in the Building archives to when a Danish model-maker constructed the iconic landmark entirely out of Lego

  • Recovery position

    How vital is government as a construction client?


    Public sector work has kept much of the construction industry off the critical list for the past six years but with the private sector now in increasingly robust health, how much is government really needed as a client?

  • building_universities-21

    Bricks and mortar boards


    With a constant need to attract the best students, the development of universities has remained a strong sector for the construction industry. But are universities making the most of the connections with the cities they are in? Our roundtable of industry experts gathered to discuss the issues faced by our ...

  • Visualistation of Wenlock Road, which will be the tallest CLT residential building in the UK

    The rise of cross-laminated timber


    The first wall of Cambourne College, Cambridge is erected. Initial construction of Wenlock Road.

  • M2 Collapse

    Time to act: Debating UK infrastructure policy


    As the Institution of Civil Engineers delivers a worrying State of the Nation report on UK infrastructure, Building charts the changes that the sector believes should be prioritised by the next government