Record breaking round the world yachtswoman Dame Ellen MacArthur launched the CIBSE campaign to raise business awareness on improving energy efficiency.

The 100 Days of Carbon Clean Up campaign aims to help participants realise the carbon saving potential of their workplace through simple steps such as changing staff behaviour, equipment updates and basic managerial initiatives. MacArthur has become a champion of the campaign through her partnership with sponsor E.ON.

MacArthur said: “The 100 Days Carbon Off Campaign is an initiative I am very excited to be involved with. I see it as a significant step towards encouraging business to start taking action to improve energy efficiency”.

CIBSE president, John Armstrong, said: “With the support of E.ON and Ellen MacArthur, CIBSE hopes this campaign will build in the success of the 2006 initiative and lead to bigger and better carbon savings.”

As part of the 2007 initiative a pre-campaign pilot study was carried out. Results of the pilot showed that many firms do already consider their carbon footprint and are keen to be more energy efficient but did not know how to take their efforts to the next level.