In response to your letter headed ‘What would you do now?’ (letters, CM October), regarding intervening if you see unsafe practices on site, here’s my advice:

Step 1

  • Don’t approach the scene (you may just get abuse or worse).
  • Do take lots of really good pictures (act like a tourist).
  • Make sure you get all the information – names, addresses, registration plate, photos.
  • Make an exit in the other direction.

Step 2

Phone the HSE. You will probably be fended off until you ask for the principal construction industry inspector on duty you explain that:

  • 1. You have witnessed and recorded a clear breach of statute and that you suspect there is an immediate risk of injury.
  • 2. Ask them to give you a reference number of their receipt of your information.
  • 3. Send your file of information to them.

Then hope that the worst does not happen!

I’ve reported someone before and got a thump for my trouble, but the HSE got them in the end.