Many in the m&e sector blame redesign and rework for increasing costs, saying millions are wasted every year. Some allege that 50% of out-turn cost is down to redesign.

The Specialist Engineering Contractors’ Group wants to know if you agree. Please take five minutes to answer the following questions. Responses should be sent to the magazine at

Do you have to carry out redesign and rework on:

  • every project;
  • most projects;
  • about half of projects;
  • less than half of projects;
  • hardly any or no projects.

When you have to do redesign and rework, how much does that typically add to out-turn cost:

  • greater than 50%;
  • between 25 and 50%;
  • between 10 and 25%;
  • less than 10%.

When you claim for payment for redesign and rework, how often is your claim disputed:

  • every project;
  • most projects;
  • about half of projects;
  • less than half of project;
  • hardly any or no projects.