All Archive Titles articles – Page 199

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    NAPIT applies to join the JIB


    NAPIT has made a formal application to join the Joint Industry Board.

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    City & Guilds and NICEIC announce training partnership


    City & Guilds has appointed NICEIC Group as its lead consultant for the future development of its electrotechnical qualifications.

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    Imtech moves into Ireland with Suir purchase


    Imtech Group buys Waterford-based Suir Engineering for undisclosed sum.

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    Two at the Top


    Delivery agencies don’t come much newer than city development companies. So how are the people who run them getting on? The chief executives of Creative Sheffield and Hull Forward tell Josephine Smit about the plans for their cities

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    Walking and talking


    Ruth Connorton and Paul Hothi on the new competitive dialogue process in procurement

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    Upcoming schemes


    more than 500 unit …

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    Tom Warburton on the RDAs’ new powers

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    Skoolz rule OK!


    With thousands of schools being built or rebuilt, it’s time to rethink their location and design, says Richard Saxon. And that means putting them at the heart of our sustainable communities

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    Products: Offsite technology


    Concrete floor cassettesThe IQFive student accommodation building in Birmingham has been built using steel offsite technology with concrete floor cassettes from Henley Building Solutions. The build programme was reduced on site from 162 weeks to 64 weeks as a result, and the finished building exceeds thermal and acoustic regulatory requirements. ...

  • Archive Titles

    Missing target


    If the UK were housebuilding at the same rate as the Irish, we’d be seeing half a million homes going up each year. As it is, we’re nowhere near hitting the government’s 240,000-home target. Just why do we find it so hard to deliver housing? The following two articles look ...

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    The market


    Time to loosen the green belt?

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    The Man with a plan says be prepared


    Development plan documents require a new way of thinking about planning, says Paul Foster. Here’s six key lessons to ensure you get your scheme adopted

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    Thieving magpies


    Andrew Hurst A Housing Corporation plan to take a share of the increase in value of housing stock is a brazen attack on the independence of RSLs

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    More incentives, please


    The prime minister recently told MPs that in the lead up to 2020 he wants to meet the housing need by building 3 million new homes using brownfield land, principally in environmentally friendly ways incorporating eco-towns and villages.

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    I’d rather live in…


    Munich, Toronto, Vienna Geneva, Auckland… they all triumph in polls of the most liveable cities. But no British city makes it into the top 30. Why? Because, says Chris Quigley, we take no account of how people go about their everyday lives

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    Get smart


    Josephine Smit looks at the latest data cabling and video on demand technology that can help communities get educated, get political and get jobs

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    The garden secret


    Landscaping, so often an afterthought, is actually the magic ingredient for developers aiming for a zero-carbon rating.

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    Was planning ever sexy?


    Nigel Newitson gets turned on at the 35th Joint Planning Law Conference

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    Not the end of road pricing


    So our much publicised road pricing scheme has been cancelled. Call me an old cynic, but I think not.

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    Tougher times mean the government should ease


    The truth is, delivering homes depends on a heady cocktail of factors