Apprenticeships have been given a much-needed boost in the latest review by the government.

The package of measures that is being proposed is a welcome about turn from previous initiatives that have displayed a desire to boost university placements at all costs, regardless of what society actually needs in terms of skills.

This time the government says it wants to ensure that apprenticeships become a mainstream option for young people, and not just in traditional areas. Part of the remit of the new National Apprenticeship Service will be to encourage female apprentices to consider construction-related trades, for example.

The plans recognise that employers have been calling for more funds for adult trainees too and this has been taken on board, alongside proposals for a wage subsidy programme for smaller firms.

The ECA has also come up trumps with a £10 million fund to help pay for members’ training schemes. The earnings from this pot will be ploughed into areas where there is currently limited funds; higher qualifications in contract management, for example.

One firm that doesn’t hold back when it comes to investing in apprentices and managers alike is NG Bailey. Chief executive Mark Andrews makes it clear that his £4 million annual training bill is money well spent. As he says, if you don’t bring in apprentices, where are the managers of the future going to come from?