The UK Green Building Council is to lead a government project to evaluate the possibility of all new non-domestic buildings having zero carbon emissions in the next decade.

Paul King, chief executive of the UKGBC said: “The government is looking at a possible requirement for zero carbon new non-domestic buildings within the next 10 to 15 years. We believe that with the right engagement and leadership from industry now, this could be achieved within 10 years”.

The UKGBC’s members will be developing a way to draw together both the energy rating of the building’s fabric (covered by Part L of the Building Regulations) and the energy consumption profile relating to its use to deliver a new energy rating system for the entire building.

The project will also attempt to define zero carbon for non-domestic buildings to make it consistent with the definition within the Code for Sustainable Homes.

The project’s findings will feed into the DCLG Green Commercial Building Task Group to inform the development of proposals for a roadmap to zero carbon.