Ever fancied being an ambassador? Well, now’s your chance. CIOB is revamping its Ambassador Programme and looking for volunteers.

We can’t promise limousines and champagne receptions, but you will get the chance to represent the institute and help make vital policy decisions. Ambassadors can adopt a number of roles from making media appearances on behalf of the institute to sitting-on policy-making committees.

Institute leaders are reshaping the programme, following a successful pilot scheme, to focus on a smaller number of ambassadors. Existing ambassadors will be given the opportunity to continue in the role, but the CIOB is also looking for new recruits.

Chief executive Chris Blythe said: ‘We need to be more strategic about where we place ambassadors and focus on the areas where we can, and should, have the biggest impact.’

Institute members can become ambassadors at three levels:

  • Representative Ambassadors: represent the CIOB on committees nationally and globally while regularly reporting back on developments affecting the institute.
  • Public Affairs Ambassadors: have a particular interest in key areas such as sustainability or safety. They will participate in one-off meetings and events and help shape CIOB policy.
  • Ambassador Spokesperson: will speak publicly on behalf of the institute with full media training provided.

To get involved ambassadors will require a written reference from a fellow CIOB member and need to demonstrate five years’ experience working at a senior level in the industry.