Young colleagues may be surprised to learn that Andrew Henderson is a Take That fan. Less controversially, Amazon and the office intranet are his most used websites and photography his favourite digital diversion
What is your favourite website?
Amazon – it has everything from the obvious to the obscure for all ages.
What is your favourite gadget?
I have a keen interest in photography and my digital video camera goes everywhere with me.
What’s the most useful website you access for work?
The Hyder Consulting intranet contains the most up-to-date news from the business all over the world.
What was the last track you downloaded?
“Said It All” by Take That.
What was the subject of the last email you received?
Systems training – advising me about the implementation of our new system and training dates.
Social networking or face-to-face?
Face-to-face is the best way to get to know someone, see expression, and interact on a personal level.
Who is your favourite blogger?
Our internal website has a very good management blog which is updated daily.
What’s the best link you have ever been sent?
It was to one of those photography sites where weird and wonderful things happen and are captured on camera.
What was the last thing you bought online?
A handlebar bracket for my GPS. Unfortunately, there is no way of making that cool!
What’s the funniest piece of spam you have received?
I once clicked a link, forgetting that my speakers were on loud. Luckily I saw the funny side of it, but now all spam mail goes straight to my junk box.
Building Sustainable Design
Andrew Henderson is Managing Director, Land Developing and Buildings at Hyder Consulting.
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