A wave of new appointments at the top of the UK’s largest 285 security guarding companies is set to prompt a radical change in their behaviour and place even greater stresses on those contractors with an ageing Boardroom.

According to industry analyst Plimsoll Publishing, there have been 276 new appointments at director level in the past 18 months in an industry boasting 564 directors in total. Plimsoll firmly believes that this ‘new blood’ will bring in fresh ideas, a renewed focus and different ways of working to what has gone before.

Speaking about the company’s latest market research, Plimsoll’s senior analyst David Pattison told SMT: “There has never been a more important time to take note not just of the companies you are doing business with, but also of the decision-makers behind those companies. We all know that companies don’t do business with companies. People do business with people. However, those people are changing, and firms will be caught out and lose business as a result if they take a customer, competitor or supplier for granted purely on the basis of an older management style.”

For a copy of the full report, SMT’s readers should call 01642 626400.