Contractor Willmott Dixon’s new web-based training package was rolled out to its entire staff last month.

The aim is to help embed sustainable practices throughout its business. But with a high level of interactivity, slick editing, and a contemporary soundtrack, it’s also high on gloss and entertainment value.

Users must take on the role of the company boss and are asked to come up with solutions to various ‘green’ dilemmas based on information viewed in video clips and blogs. Everyone in the company is obliged to complete the training.

The idea is to encourage staff to consider the impact of energy use at their offices, on site and during business travel. There are also short films on the environmental effects of construction on water use, deforestation and waste generation, with examples of technologies that could make the construction process more sustainable. It also highlights Willmott Dixon’s commitment to become carbon neutral and to halve waste to landfill by 2012.

Video blogs from members of staff give practical examples of how company policy is impacting on Willmott Dixon sites and offices and the measures already being taken to improve sustainability – one of which is turning off computers to save energy. After completing the training, we assume.