Given the imminent election of a new leader of the Labour party, it is unlikely that the government will make any significant policy announcements until the end of June.

That said, communities secretary Ruth Kelly was due to publish the long-awaited planning white paper as Regenerate went to press. The main bones of contention are expected to be the proposed establishment of an independent planning commission to “depoliticise” planning decisions and the replacement of the retail “needs test”. Retailers are split on this latter point, with some saying changing it will undermine the “urban renaissance of the past 10 years” and the “town centres first” policy that has underpinned it in places such as Manchester and Leeds.

The regeneration sector has also been encouraged by the Treasury to submit more evidence to the review it has been running since 2006 into economic development.

UK parliament bills

• Greater London Authority Bill

Currently in the House Of Lords being scrutinised by a committee of peers. This bill will give London mayor Ken Livingstone enhanced powers over planning and housing.

• Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Bill

Bill to bring forward proposals in last October’s white paper, including requiring councils and the NHS to work together to fund local health needs. Currently being amended after its committee stage in the House of Commons.

Scottish executive Consultations

• Implementing the Water Environment and Water Services (Scotland) Act 2003

Outlines conditions developers will have to meet for water and sewerage infrastructure and asks whether this should be regulated. Ends 9 June 2007

• Updating Environmental Impact Regulations

Refers to Circular 15/1999 on the environmental impact resulting from the planning process. Asks whether the current guidance needs to be updated. Closes 29 July 2007.