No more worries for a week or two? Yeah, and the rest. In our four-page special ROd Sweet hears your holiday horrors, Julian Daniels admits he hated going away and we dish out top tips for a really rewarding break
As an industry, construction simply can't cope with holidays. At a time when the days are long and the sun is hot, you should be kicking back and really enjoying yourself, but the silly season brings special problems for construction managers. For one thing, even getting away in the first place can be tricky in a pressurised project environment. And if you do, the family expects you to switch from workaholic to life-of-the-party by the time you hit the bar in departures. For those left manning the ship, vanishing tradesmen and material suppliers who shut down for weeks can make things very difficult indeed.

We spoke to five construction managers to get their holiday-hell stories.

For Sarah (not her real name) the most galling thing about her ruined holiday was the pointlessness of it all.

It was mid-summer two years ago and her project team was in the depths of snagging. She'd booked a four-day break away, having not had a holiday all year. It had never occurred to her that her boss might refuse to let her go when the time came, but that is precisely what happened when he looked around and noticed how many other people were off that week.

"I went anyway," she said. "But luckily the place was in England, so I could drive the two-and-a-half hours to work each day, and get back to my family each evening.

"The thing was I didn't actually achieve much that week anyway, so it was all a bit of a waste of time in the end."

Not surprisingly, Sarah really believes contractors should programme differently to accommodate the summer months.

"I think we should be able to take impromptu afternoons off to take advantage of the few sunny days we have," she said. "No one likes working when it is glorious outside. We could make the time up on rainy weekends!"

Another construction manager based in Dublin agrees that bosses are too mean. Marcus (not his real name) took a week off when his child was born. That meant that when the Easter shutdown period came around not long after, all eyes were on him to provide holiday cover.

"My contracts manager suggested as he had let me take time off for my kid – even though I gave nine months notice – it was expected of me that I should work this Easter holiday break."

Crisis? What crisis?
Guess what? It was about as pointless as Sarah's "break" because none of the sub-contractors turned up.

Which led Marcus to his second gripe. It's bad enough when subbies bunk off, but why do they have to rub your nose in it?

"Even when you phone the foreman's mobile, he is in the sun by the pool saying, What can I do?" Marcus said. "Why do they all bring their phones on holidays, and then answer them?"

If it's any consolation, construction companies abroad are just as mean with their holiday time. Nigel works in the Middle East, and it's no different there.

"I've had to cut short several vacations due to some emergency or another which mostly turns out to be unnecessary. The worst case was being rushed back from Australia to start a project that ended up not getting underway for another year! Last year I went to Borneo to make sure I could not be found."

Nigel believes that firms could be a lot more grown-up when it comes to managing holidays.

"In reality, nothing really changes when you are on vacation and most things can wait two to three weeks," he said. "But it depends on how you manage your team. If you're difficult with others' vacations you can expect the same in return.

"My own policy is to recognise my people's time and encourage them to take leave when it's due and come back on time. If you delay it becomes more of a problem later on."

So that's if you manage to get a break. If you're stuck on site, it can get even worse. The Mystery of the Vanishing Workforce is another reason that summer is a drag for the construction manager, according to Steve, a project contracts manager in the north west of England. It's a curious phenomenon, and one that no scientist hads been able to explain. Starting in July, skilled, self-employed tradesmen have a tendency to disappear. If you're lucky, you may get a few days notice, but more often than not the first you get to hear of it is when the foreman shows up on a Friday afternoon looking sheepish and saying, "Er, about next week…"

No time to plan
There was a time when you could plan for these things. Regular trade shutdowns and wakes fortnights all meant you could build the programme around regular slow-downs.

But the fluid, self-employed workforce of today have minds – and travel plans – very much of their own. Instant communications fuel their options as well: Whether it's good surfing in Cornwall or a cheap 10 days on the Costa del Sol, people today can act fast to exploit favourable conditions.

And worst of all, there is nothing you can do about it.

"The word Prima Donna certainly springs to mind," says Steve (not his real name). "Because they are so scarce, there is not much inclination to discipline your star gang of plasterers or joiners. We can fire off a few warning letters but there is little long term point in falling out completely with good subcontractors over this."

What boggles the mind for Steve is that site management seems surprised by this every single year. Planners take the wet and windy winter months into account, and yet gun for more productivity in the summer, failing always to predict the absence of fun and sun-seeking workers.

So, it really comes as no surprise that some in the industry treat the idea of holidays with such fear and loathing. One we talked to said outright: don't go.

"If you work for a big company and it is politically driven - don't go," says James (not his real name). "Someone will stab you in the back while you are away. If people don't like you they will find something to go wrong. They'll make sure it gets out of all proportion so that your name is mud by the time you return."

Clearly, construction needs to chill out.

Confessions of a reluctant holiday maker

That time of year is UPON US: the dreaded holiday season. Why do people hate it so? I know I used to and I know a lot of others in the industry feel the same. One minute you’re up to your eyeballs in muck’n’bullets with serious deadlines to meet, the next your two-year old has just dropped his ice cream in the sand and is still eating it. One day in and the two-week vacation already feels like eternity. You work in a stressful environment all year round, so why, when it is time to chill out and relax, do you turn into a monster and make your loved ones’ life a misery? It is a mixture of all sorts of feelings, but it is essentially an overestimation of your own worth coupled with an underestimation of everyone around you. In the run-up to your holiday, you stress yourself out trying to put everything in order, making everything crystal clear and idiot-proof. The first week of your holiday is spent dragging yourself from this state of heightened alert down in to fully chilled mode. It doesn’t happen overnight. Switching off
The middle few days are bliss, and even the daughter letting her ‘Spanish Tummy’ get the better of her in the pool doesn’t faze you. As your holiday moves into the second week, your brain starts racking up, thinking of all the pieces you will have to pick up when you get back. Then the flight gets delayed and you know you will only get three hours kip. So when your cases fail to appear on the baggage carousel, your wife’s attempt at humour is met with your best Incredible Hulk impression. You get to the platform just in time to wave off the last train and then pay a premium to the only taxi driver willing to take you home. Oh, it’s good to be back! My dad was, and still is, in construction, so I have lived with holiday stress all my life. One memory that has become folklore in our family and is often repeated, occurred when I was about 14. We were in a sweet shop and the assistant nicely enquired how I would like my fudge cut. I hesitated for a nano-second, which my dad mistook for a lack of understanding. Before I could answer, he barked at the top of his voice “SLICED!” scaring the assistant to death and putting the whole fudge transaction in jeopardy. My wife and kids still see me as being in “SLICED” mode but only until we get on the plane. Here are my tips for a stress-free holiday now nearing perfection after years of dismal failure:
  • Don’t leave it until the last minute to help with holiday arrangements. This eliminates the “I-thought-you-were-booking-the-dog-into-the-kennels” type arguments.
  • When the kids have just dropped the camera into the pool or tickled you on your sunburnt back, stifle the moans, count to ten and offer to buy them another ice cream.
  • I have such a good team around me that I have absolutely no fears about taking holidays and do it regularly. In fact they are so good I could probably take a month off! (Now there’s a brilliant idea...)
Julian Daniels, divisional director, Bovis

Learn while you burn

Does the thought of lounging around all day doing nothing fill you with dread? Do you long for something constructive to do? We have the answer: bite-sized betterment. Impress your colleagues with your new-found wisdom. Here are five riveting reads, as suggested by a selection of industry leaders, that you can read in one poolside session to atone for the night before. Well, maybe two poolside sessions, depending on the night before.
  • Underestimating Costs in Public Works Projects - Error or Lie?
    By Professor Bent Flyvbjerg and others.
    Published in the Journal of the American Planning Association, Vol 68, No. 3, 16 pages
    Reading time: 1hr Suggested by Ann Wright, QS and contracts consultant:
    The best article I’ve read in the last 12 months. As we all know, the initial cost estimates of public projects are way under-estimated. Think of Wembley Stadium, the Scottish Parliament and the Dome. Why? Flyvbjerg concludes that the promoters of the projects mislead legislators, administrators and investors, not by errors but by systematic misrepresentation or lying.” How to get it: Visit or request a copy through the CIOB library or call 01344 630700
  • Who Moved My Cheese?
    by Spencer Johnson, MD
    ISBN: 0399144463, 94 pages
    Reading time: 2hrs Suggested by Brian Moone, director, Construction Best Practice: “A humorous parable, invaluable to anyone facing change – hopefully most of the construction industry as a result of our efforts to promote Best Practice! You will be hard pressed not to recognise yourself or people you work with in the characters in the book. It’s a piece of lateral thinking that continues to ring bells with me a year after first reading it.”
  • How to Win Friends and Influence People
    By Dale Carnegie
    ISBN: 0671027034, 160 pages
    Reading time: 5 hrs Suggested by Dave Stitt, consultant, DSA Building Performance: “A brilliant little book. The first one I read that got me thinking about how I went about things.”
  • Project Management Demystified
    by Geoff Reiss (Spon Press)
    ISBN 0419207503, 214 pages
    Reading time: 7 hrs Suggested by: Bob English, consultant: “Current PM techniques, supported by sketches and humour. Well presented and a good read.”
  • The Fish Rots from the Head
    by Bob Garratt
    ISBN 1 86197 577 5, 256 pages
    Reading time: 8.5 hrs Suggested by John Rackstraw, MD, Pearce Group: “A different and refreshing view of the boardroom.”
  • Five top tips for leaving a

    Send someone else to routine meetings the week before you go. Quiz them after. Missing these gives you time to prepare a decent handover list for other issues and to spend time discussing your job rather than doing it Predict
    Draw up a short most-likely-to-go-wrong list and leave mechanisms in place to deal with them. Alternatively, postpone events that might trigger emergencies until you get back Appoint
    Revisit responsibilities and lines of authority with all team members. Responsibilities can be fluid so it’s best to fix them if you’re not there to arbitrate. Establish where each member can go for support to eliminate confusion Touch down
    Establish a quick way of getting briefed upon your return. Have somebody prioritise post. Set a meeting date before you leave and draw up an agenda Indulge
    Get what you need on your holiday. Your team will want nothing less Thanks to Richard Pike of Laing O’Rourke and Julian Daniels of Bovis