Consultancy group Watts is planning to recruit project managers from Germany. The firm, which has three offices in the country, said it was investigating whether to launch a recruitment drive there.

Partner Chris Knott, who oversees the firm’s PM and QS operations and has just taken overall responsibility for the firm’s London office, said: “We are looking to bring over staff in our existing (German) offices or start a wider recruitment drive.”

Knott said the firm was experiencing a shortage of PMs and QSs, notably in the regeneration sector. Watts launched a new division targeting that sector in the summer called ikon, which Knott said had exceeded expectations. “We achieved the budget for the whole year in six months,” he said. The firm has a vital role in work on the Greenwich peninsular, Knott said.

Last week Watts announced it would switch from a partnership to a private limited company early next year. Knott said the move was necessary for the firm to achieve its targeted growth of doubling turnover in the next five years. “There is no way we can achieve that growth within a private partnership,” he said. The firm saw turnover for 2005-2006 grow by 16% to £19.4m, while net profit after costs and tax was up 14% to £1.95m.

Knott said the shift away from a partnership would be a positive step for the firm’s staff. “People can now buy equity in the firm. When you are growing quickly as we are, it opens up chances for advancement. There are many opportunities out there.” He added the firm was aiming to expand its geographical spread, associating with a firm in Holland, looking to eastern Europe and scoping out China and Australia.