The Greater Manchester Police and the security industry have launched Vanguard, a joint initiative designed to increase protection from robbery for security staff, cash in transit and financial and commercial premises such as banks, post offices, supermarkets, betting shops and garages.

Through the initiative, police and security groups aim to more effectively use their resources to fight this type of increasingly violent crime. Vanguard aims to tackle it through better training and shared good practice and intelligence.

Vanguard will carry out overt and covert surveillance to deter and disrupt criminal activity. As well as planned escort duties, police car patrols that are on general duties and come across unescorted security vans will be ordered to escort them under the 'follow that van' scheme.

• DELEGATES FROM POLICE, industry and academic disciplines attended the IBP International 5th Focus on Robbery Symposium, which dealt with three main areas of research: 'Intelligence Sharing Partnerships', 'Risk Assessing for Robbery', and 'The Ever Present Threat of Tiger Kidnap.