UK and Scottish parlimentary bills & DCLG, Scottish executive and Welsh assembly consultations

UK parliament

Housing Corporation (Delegation) etc Bill

The purpose of the bill is to ensure that the corporation's board has the power to delegate the exercise of its functions to its officers. This bill is awaiting its committee stage in the Commons.

Crossrail Bill

This bill is currently undergoing consideration by a Commons select committee.

ODPM select committee inquiry into the planning gain supplement

The final two sessions of oral evidence planned for May. We expect to see the completed report before the summer recess.

Scottish parliament bills

Planning (Scotland)

The bill to revise the Scottish planning system is at the committee stage.

DCLG consultations

Listed buildings casework

Proposes options for dealing with planning casework affecting grade I- and grade II*-listed buildings in England, with a view to most of this work being handled by planning inspectors.

Closing date: 24 May

Review of housing and regeneration

A review of the workings of English Partnerships and the Housing Corporation, with the potential outcome being a merger of the two. A full consultation has not been published on this issue, but a series of questions have been released.

Deadline for responses: 19 May

Scottish executive consultations

Implementation of articles 7,8,9 of the EU directive on the energy performance of buildings

Covers the introduction of energy performance certificates, boiler advice and inspection of air-conditioning systems into Scottish legislation.

Closing date: 21 July

Casinos and the use classes order

Seeks views on the classification of casinos within the order and particularly on Scottish ministers' preferred option of making casinos a use class of their own.

Closing date: 24 July

Welsh assembly consultations

Planning enforcement system review stage 2

The consultation is the second phase of the review of the Welsh planning system, which is being undertaken between 2004 and 2007.

Closing date: 12 July