As a former chair of the Lee Valley Association, member of the one-time Hackney Lee Valley Forum and previous local allotment holder, I read with interest “Why the Olympic colours have to be green”, (Regenerate, June).

Were you to contact local community members or were their voice to be heard, you might well find views that included, for instance:

n The large fencing going up along the towpath blocking off Arena Field and the employment area to the south of Carpenters Road makes the towpath like a narrow corridor – not fun given the number of bikes that use it.

n Activities enjoyed by the local school children – mulching, watering trees and plants, sowing seed, harvesting blackcurrants etc, will probably come to a halt as they will soon build a new access road to the Marshes depot across part of the tree nursery and edible garden, as well as a traveller site next door.