Graeme Lumley, sales director of vehicle rental company Reflex Vehicle Solutions, has the following advice on getting the best fleet deal

1. Look for flexible vehicle rental products. They are the safest and most economical way to manage fleet needs. They also eliminate the capital layout associated with fleet acquisition.

2. Don’t get tied into hire contracts. You should be able to choose the types of vehicles you need, when you need them, and for how long.

3. Speak to an expert to make sure you’re getting the right deal for your requirements. The best hire companies will offer advice before any agreement is signed. Shop around to find the most helpful firms.

4. Demand more. Your supplier should offer a wide range of readily available specialist vehicles, plus 24-hour maintenance. Being able to react to changing vehicle requirements will give you a strong competitive edge.

5. Re-assess your fleet needs. Companies operating in fuel-reliant sectors need to identify better ways of managing their costs. Flexible rental packages do not appear on your balance sheet, which means a better gearing ratio and improved return on asset ratio.

6. Consider hybrid or LPG vehicles. Both are eco-friendly and could save you thousands of pounds in fuel bills. Hybrid vehicles are powered by electric motors and are exempt from London’s congestion charge.