Business Writing
Midge Gillies
Date published: 2000 Content: 94 pages Tel: +44(0) 207 291 8222 Fax: +44(0) 207 291 8233

The nature of security is such that written documentation can hardly be avoided. Procedures, policy and written reports are elements central to our profession. Effective communication is an essential business skill, which will serve you well in your career.

The book’s premise is that in a fast-moving business world, written communication is more important than ever. E-mail means having to convey the meaning of your message quickly and clearly. Far from slowing you down, taking the time to write effectively will help you achieve more.

Lengthy explanations and over use of text are avoided in this book. Clear, simple but adequate explanations make up each section of every chapter. How to answer complaints, plan a report, write instructions and produce a feature article are also covered. And each chapter stands on its own, so there is no need to plough your way through irrelevant sections.