Avid readers will notice that the pages of EMC are full of articles on renewables, sustainability, global warming and climate change.

I make no apologies for this. There is no greater business opportunity for m&e contractors than that presented by the challenge of sustainability in construction.

This month’s magazine is no exception. We look at how accreditation can help you take full advantage of the DTI’s Low Carbon Building Programme (pages 21-22). Developers that apply to the Programme for grants must use accredited installers for technologies such as solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, heat pumps, CHP and solar thermal hot water. If you are not on the list, you can’t get any of the work.

This type of business will grow massively in the coming years. The ECA and HVCA have formed a joint sustainability issues group to look at the challenges and opportunities that this sea change will bring about (page 9). Training in new technologies is just one area that the two associations must get to grips with.

One thing is for certain, now is the time to drive your business forward into this burgeoning market. If you don’t, you can be sure that your competitors will.

Andrew Brister, Editor