Scottish start-up doubles turnover and scoops £8m deal from Edinburgh Council

Scottish start-up Thomson Gray is providing QS services on an £8m adventure centre in Edinburgh. The scheme includes an indoor sky train, a large-scale climbing hall, plus retail and conference facilities.

It is a key deal for Thomson Gray, which was formed in 2004 and has now hit turnover of £1m, up from £500,000 a year ago.

The job for Edinburgh Council has just started on site and is due for completion in about 12 months. It centres on the conversion of an existing building in the west of town, close to the award-winning new RBS headquarters.

The council acquired the property from a private owner. Ron Thomson, joint founder of Thomson Gray, said: “The council is investing a lot in this. It will be the first thing you see when you come into Edinburgh.”

Thomson Gray won Best New QS Firm in our QS Awards last year.