All articles by Thomas Lane – Page 24

  • Thomas Lane

    A good day for gloom-mongers


    We live in confusing times. On one hand, we’ve had a week of posturing by the Tories and Labour as each tries to outdo the other on the prickliness of the hair shirts they’ll be forcing Whitehall in particular, and the public sector in general, to wear

  • Comment

    In with the old


    Reusing existing buildings is set to be the next big thing because it is greener and cheaper than new build. Hampshire council's refurbished headquarters has kicked off this trend; a gas guzzling sixties eyesore has been transformed into one of the UK’s most energy efficient offices. It pioneers a way ...

  • News

    EU complaint delays water regs by six months


    The implementation of water-saving regulations has been delayed for six months after a last-minute EU intervention

  • Features

    Media City, Salford: This is the BBC


    Developer Peel Holdings and Bovis Lend Lease enjoy a high level of trust – which is just as well, because when they took on the Beeb’s new studios at MediaCity in Salford, there was a fair degree of risk involved – and getting the project in before the pips was ...

  • Features

    Taming the beast: Winchester’s green office refurb


    This is the story of how a sixties brutalist eyesore was turned into a building more becoming to the genteel town of Winchester – and made into one of the UK’s greenest offices in the process

  • Comment

    Anyone for a free lunch?


    Do clients want to dump frameworks so they can sit back and watch contractors desperate for work fight it out like dogs?

  • Features

    Uttlesford: the council trialling consequential improvements


    L is for … The government has twice shied away from including consequential improvements in reforms to Part L. Now one small council in Essex has shown that not only can it be done, but it can even be popular. In the second in our series on the Part L ...

  • Comment

    The government's greenprint


    Or, at least that was the case until last week, when it published its carbon transition plan: practical proposals to make just about everything more energy-efficient. The aim is to reduce carbon emission in 2020 to 34% of their level in 1990.The plan should be broadly welcomed, largely because it ...

  • Thomas Lane

    The government's greenprint


    The government has spent far too long cooking up ever more ambitious carbon targets without doing anything much to meet them

  • News

    Prince and council cut social homes deal


    The plan for a Prince of Wales-approved eco-settlement in Devon looks set to have its affordable housing element cut to get it off the ground

  • Bricks

    Material and labour costs to fall for first time since 1970


    Davis Langdon says that tender prices are 10% lower than this time last year and that steel fell 40%

  • Features

    Tellytubby land: BedZed revisited


    Peabody’s BedZed was the housing scheme that first got everyone talking about zero-carbon living. But is it all that it was cracked up to be? 

  • Solar panels

    Government U-turn on Part L provokes industry fury


    Plan to force homeowners to include eco measures in home improvements dropped at last minute

  • Comment

    Building buys a pint... for Ryder


    Tonight’s jaunt happens to coincide with London’s tube strike, so just getting to the venue presents a challenge

  • 2012 site transport barge

    The big push: getting materials to the 2012 Olympic site


    The Olympic team is using every means possible to get the vast amounts of materials it needs into its hemmed-in east London site: roads, railways, and now the River Thames. Thomas Lane reports on a grand offensive

  • Comment

    Playing by the regs


    This year there are more government consultations on greening the built environment than ever before.For a start, there are the consultations on the traditional Building Regulations - consultations on Parts L and F were imminent as we went to press. These have been joined by higher, policy-level consultations as the ...

  • Thomas Lane

    Playing by the regs


    This year there are more government consultations on greening the built environment than ever before

  • Crest Nicholson and BioRegional Quintain’s One Brighton housing scheme intends to become zero carbon through a combination of on-site and off-site renewables

    Guide to future building regulations: In-tray


    The government is busy legislating to make contractors build eco-houses and homeowners improve existing stock. Thomas Lane takes a look at what regulations are already in place, and what may be coming up

  • Chris Mead and Jay Hayter

    Meet the government's new best friends: Victorian refurb


    Renovation will play a vital role in meeting the government’s target of an 80% emissions reduction by 2050. And it’s the owner occupier who’ll be doing the work. Two south London residents found out what it takes

  • This clock tower, with its open-plan bathroom and wrought-iron stairs up to an original watchmaker’s hut, is one of the most expensive apartments

    Sleeping beauty awakes: the St Pancras Midland Grand hotel


    The fairy-tale castle that is the Midland Grand hotel has been asleep for a very long time. Now the arrival of the Eurostar has roused it, and it is once again to become the most stylish address in London