It should be made clear that the police have a difficult job to do and that the ordinary bobby has to follow orders from above regardless of agreement with those orders, unless they are in themselves unlawful.

The crime rate, has continued to grow and it may well be argued that to some extent this is due to the policies of ACPO, who have given clear messages to offenders that police officers will not be attending domestic burglaries or any other when two false alarms have occurred.

And so the thief knows that they are unlikely to be arrested if attacking your home. With a little intelligence they can soon figure out how to cause two false alarms and then attack your business, with the knowledge that the police will not be attending. This is combined with new crime prevention incentives of giving to the victims of crime, alarm systems of a nature, that are neither acceptable to the insurance industry, European or British standards, other than DIY.

So why does this industry, continue to support, directly or indirectly, ACPO? It is time to turn back the clock, and have Police Approved Companies again, who can state that they are on such a list. This will Crime Reduction Officers the ability, as they see fit, to pass on local security company details to the public.

J G Torrance,