SIR – Consec 2006, the Association of Security Consultants’ Annual Conference held last November at the RAF Museum in Hendon, is worthy of praise for both the amazing venue chosen and also the quality of what was an informed array of professional speakers.

In addition to the usual star performance by chairman Lord MacKenzie – who inspired, motivated and entertained us all in magnificent fashion – there were some useful and thought-provoking insights concerning what may lie in store for us all in the security industry leading up to and beyond the 2012 Olympic Games.

The only ‘sour’ point of the day was the totally unnecessary and gratuitous ‘Message from the Main Sponsor’ that, I fear, is becoming the norm at this type of event.

Why do I or any of us consultants need to be subjected to what is, in effect, a ‘sales pitch’ from a security solutions company just because they have chosen to pay for their name to be all over the event?

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not opposed to ‘marketing’ or ‘promotions’, but I think there’s a line that has been crossed when delegates have to be subjected to sales patter in the middle of what is otherwise a serious and informed day, as exemplified by Consec 2006.

I would be pleased to offer my feedback via a Customer Satisfaction Survey at least I think that’s what they’re called nowadays to all product solutions providers. Yes, by all means step forward and sponsor these events. Yes, take a stand in the foyer that I can visit and learn about new product offerings. And, yes, even produce some promotional material to give to me as a delegate by which I shall remember you, and which I may even find useful.

Please, please, please, though, do not waste my valuable time and that of others with sales pitches at conferences you have sponsored when I am not in the least bit interested in hearing them.

Martin Segal MISecM Principal Security Advisor TPS Consult