A temple for local followers of Jainism, an ancient branch of Hinduism. The project at Potters Bar, north London, aimed to recreate a 2000-year old Indian design.

WHO: Cyril Sweet director Mahesh Doshi was the QS, planning supervisor and project manager for client, the Oshwald Association. Architects: Rajesh Sompura (India) and Answell eBailey (UK), M&E Consultant: David Wareham Associates, contractor: Lodge Construction

HOW: Cyril Sweet took on a member of the Jain community as part of its permanent staff. Skilled workers from India were brought over to carry out intricate carving. Stone and wood were sourced from India.

The design incorporates a number of religious requirements including completely steel free construction and the orientation of the footprint towards the sun.


CONTRACT: JCT 1998 with quantities private addition

WHEN: The temple took 18 months to build and opened in August 2005

QS VIEW: “The majority of material needed to be sourced in India and shipped over to the UK. A supply chain was created that extended across borders and ensured materials and specialist resources arrived to site on time.

The creation of the supply chain required close collaboration between all parties. To achieve this ambitious programme, a partnering ethos was adopted that allowed the parties to work efficiently and communicate effectively.

Aside from the language barrier there were numerous cultural differences that had to be managed in order that progress on site maintained the required pace.” - Cyril Sweett