The industry may have been frothing over former newspaper magnate Eddie Shah’s attack on what he termed ‘lazy and incompetent builders’ this month, but watching the first episode of Dom Joly’s The Complainers on Channel Five you can see why he might be upset.

Joly is famous for his ‘man shouting into a giant mobile phone’ sketch in the Trigger Happy TV series, and his latest show takes aim at people in society that get away with murder because no one dares complain about them. The first episode (pictured) saw a group of sexist builders taken to task for wolf whistling and verbally abusing a passing girl. After she had walked past them, the scantily clad woman hoisted up her skirt to reveal a manly package. The builders recoiled in horror and embarrassment as they realised she was in fact a he and their blunder had been filmed.

Should George Wimpey consider similar measures to enforce its own wolf whistling ban, announced last month?