The greats of the security world get into the groove with the greats of jazz at the ninth annual Security Excellence Awards...

Some like it cool, some like it hot... but whatever your tastes in jazz, get in the swing with us at this year's Security Excellence Awards.

This year's awards – the ninth annual event – will be centred on the greats of the jazz world and, as anyone who has ever attended these awards knows, guarantees to be a great night out.

But, behind all the fun, the evening has the serious purpose of honouring all those who have shown excellence in the security industry over the year.

The date for this glittering awards night – regarded as the "Oscars" of the security industry – has been set for October 10.

The Security Excellence Awards night has established itself as a pivotal event in the security calendar. The prestigious awards now receive hundreds of entries and last year attracted 700-plus visitors to the Ballroom at the Hilton, Park Lane, London, where this year's event will, once again, be held.

The night is the culmination of months of entry sifting, judging and organisation behind the scenes.

Organised by CMPi, the publishers of Security Installer, its sister magazines SMT and online publication Platform, the event will honour the winners in fifteen categories.

Two-tier installer award

Significantly, we have decided to split the Best Installer award into two categories from now on … Small Installer and Large Installer. This more fairly reflects the efforts and resources of those companies that will compete for the honours. It means that no matter what size your company, you could get the chance to receive the accolades of the security industry at its pivotal awards event.

With its unique combination of a fun night out with a serious purpose, the awards have established themselves as the "must attend" black tie event – a perfect networking opportunity which gives companies a chance to really impress their customers.

Our jazz theme will add to our growing list of memorable themes for the evening, like last year's Hollywood night, our Carnival night, James Bond night, magic night, sporting night – all of which proved to be terrific successes.

Proof of excellence

But behind all the fun of the evening – which will include a top name presenter, dancing, a casino and other goodies – there is a serious purpose. Our distinguished panel of judges are looking for proof of excellence in all sectors of security, from installation to guarding, and from product innovation to customer care.

Those who are awarded on the night are the best of the best ... those companies and individuals who have, by demonstrating excellence in their own area, contributed to raising the overall professionalism of the industry.

The judging panel, which will shortly be recruited for 2007, is of the highest calibre. The panel of more than a dozen experts in their field always demonstrate the highest credibility with representatives from the top industry bodies, government and the wider world.

Our excellent sponsors

The growth and success of this event over the years is in many ways down to our generous sponsors and we will shortly be announcing those companies and organisations who are associating their names with the encouragement of excellence in the industry. By sponsoring this event, these companies demonstrate their own commitment to professionalism and the drive for ever higher standards.

An entry form giving full details of all 15 categories is being mailed out with this edition of Security Installer. The deadline for entering is June 8. It's completely free to enter the awards and all the winners get loads of publicity.Firms that do well in our awards gain a real marketing advantage and those who attend the event on the night are treated to an exceptional night out.

Entertain your clients

If you want to reserve a table (or individual places) it is not too early to book. Remember the sooner you book, the sooner you can get your invitations out to your top customers and clients.

We have been told many times that this evening is the ideal event to entertain the people who matter to you. With such a high standard of entries, finalists have found that it's not only the winners of each category that gain marketing advantage over their rivals. Just as the Oscars bring prestige to all the films nominated, to become a finalist puts your efforts among the best in the industry and says a great deal about you company.