THE 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games represent the single biggest business opportunity ever experienced in the security industry, writes David Evans.

At present, it’s being reported that over £1 billion will be spent on security for the Games. ith an expected 500,000 spectators turning up on a daily basis and venues for the Games situated across London (as well as in regional locations including St James’ Park in Newcastle), security is necessarily going to be of paramount importance.

Given its emerging partnerships with the police, the Games’ organisers and Government, the security industry will be working hard to ensure that the 2012 Olympic Games are the safest and most secure ever staged.

Such co-operation on this kind of scale is unprecedented, realising benefits that start now and which will be felt long after the Games have finished. The trust that is being established between the private security industry and the London Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games (LOCOG) is reflected in the way in which BSIA members through their individual Sections are co-operating to ensure the best possible security solutions are proposed for installation and use.

Security is being planned at the design stage as every structure associated with the Games will have measures built-in. There will be opportunities for security companies across the board... Consultants, security officers, electronic and physical security measures all will have their own part to play in the ‘security mix’.

Although the majority of the Games’ events are to be held in London, the business effect will be felt nationwide. With this very much in mind, the BSIA has begun a programme of consultation with its members on the issues involved, and will work hard to ensure that they are offered the best possible business opportunities for showcasing their talents.