This month sees the introduction of the new Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order, which will impact on all workplaces and their physical security products (including security and fire doors, shutters and grilles) deemed to be part of an escape route

Organisations have never had so much to consider when looking to comply with legislation at the time of either installing or maintaining physical security products. The law now encompasses the Disability Discrimination Act, the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations, the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations, the Fire Precautions (Workplace) Regulations and Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations.

This legislation aims to make the workplace a safer environment for members of staff and visitors alike. The more secure and safe the premises, the greater the benefit to the organisation, its employees and the general public. Failing to meet these criteria can result in severe penalties for the organisation concerned and its managers, including prohibition and enforcement notices, fines and possible imprisonment.

The BSIA’s Physical Security Equipment Section offers the choice of a variety of solutions which suit the end user’s demanding requirements, while at the same time meeting the Terms and Conditions laid down by legislation. In essence, the Section aims to deliver sound, practical advice to the end user, which should be considered as part of an holistic approach to security.

It’s important to increase the pressure on insurers and related bodies to further recognise and reward those organisations using approved suppliers and meeting set minimum criteria. This will benefit not only those organisations that use approved companies, but also the physical security sector as a whole.