I was delighted to read your editorial in the November issue of BSj, highlighting the key role of facilities managers in the energy performance of buildings.

Too often in the past the management of buildings has been polarised. At one end was the “engineer’s” view that occupiers frustrated their efforts to run systems efficiently; at the other, the idea that the “customer” is always right.

Thankfully things are changing and the “team effort” that you call for is becoming a reality. The British Institute of Facilities Management, representing almost 12,000 FM practitioners, welcomes this new approach and is keen to work with other building professionals to achieve better performing buildings.

Exchange of knowledge and experience is the way forward. To this end the BIFM has signed partner agreements with, among others, CIBSE and the HVCA.

Sustainability is the theme of the BIFM’s annual conference next March, and we would welcome the participation of building services professionals in this and other institute activities.

The editor welcomes short letters for publication in this journal, and reserves the right to edit longer ones.

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