‘Busy, busy’, ‘time is money’, ‘there aren’t enough hours in the day’ – these are just some of the phrases you’re likely to hear in offices everywhere.

A lack of time, it seems, is a part of everyday life, which makes managing it efficiently all the more important.

The construction industry, never quick to embrace change, has found time management a particular problem and costly overruns abound. Tackling the issue head on is incoming president of the CIOB Keith Pickavance, who has not only written a book on the subject, but is championing new research carried out by the CIOB.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the research found complex buildings were more delayed than simple ones, but it’s the causes of delays which make for interesting reading. The design team was consulted about construction methodology in just 10% of projects and in a remarkable 54% of cases projects were managed using a simple bar chart. The industry, says Pickavance, needs to properly recognise and train the people planning the work and take advantage of critical path software to manage sequencing and timing.

Of course, if the stress of deadlines is getting you down there’s always the option of working overseas. But as our feature shows, you’ll have to be prepared for longer working hours and often a longer working week.

We meet some individuals from different backgrounds and stages in their careers who have upped sticks to try their luck in different countries. But don’t get too carried away, despite the credit crunch your skills will still be a valuable asset here in Blighty.

CM takes a break

You’re no doubt planning a holiday soon, if you haven’t already had some time off. CM is also taking a break and the next issue will be online in September. Have a good summer.