14:49PM Striking new City tower for sale, reports QS News sister title Property Week. Also other stories from our sister titles

The landmark City tower Swiss Re is up for sale, according to a report in Property Week. The magazine claims there is a long list of suitors for the building, which was completed over two years ago. Interested parties are believed to include ING Real Estate, British Land, Prudentioal Property Investment Management and Insight Investments. Tenants at the Foster and Partners-designed skyscraper include private investmant bank Coutts and law firms Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Mawe and Kirkland & Ellis.

Other stories in our sister magazine include the imminent departures of two bosses from contractors Bovis Lend Lease and Costain reported by Building. Bovis commercial director Mike Howes is to leave the firm after 20 years in December while the head of Costain's building division Mark Gordon has already departed. The magazine also reported that architect Wilkinson Eyre had been chosen to design the new £400m BBC Salford centre, beating off rivals Benoy and Make.

Building Design magazine reports that government architectural watchdog CABE has missed nearly half of the targets set to measure its performance by the government.