SummitSkills has launched ‘Good Day’, a campaign to encourage employers to train and develop their staff.

The campaign involves a case study booklet that profiles businesses talking about what a good day in business means for them and why they train and develop their staff.

Direct mailing will be used to highlight the different types of training that companies can get involved in, with endorsements from the profiled companies.

Keith Marshall, chief executive of SummitSkills said: “A good day for an employer means winning those contracts, finishing the project on time. Ultimately they need to ask: do they have the skilled staff in place to achieve this?

“SummitSkills wants to help employers realise the importance of training, to help them become productive and profitable.”

The brand is also being used to promote the sector to school and college leavers, selling building services engineering as a career option.

A website will support the promotional activity for both employers and career audiences, and will contain case studies, careers literature and links.