By striking this delicate balance, universities enhance the quality of education and facilities available

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Creating an inviting atmosphere in universities that also prioritises safety is key to establishing a sense of comfort for everyone.

Visible security measures serve a dual purpose: deterring any unauthorised access and reassuring students and staff that their safety is a top concern. Finding this perfect balance of welcoming and secure is absolutely vital.

How to create a balance


Crafting the perfect blend of a welcoming yet secure environment in university buildings is important to get right. Considering the façade of a university library, its an entrance that needs to be user-friendly, exuding a warm aura while also efficiently managing the inflow and outflow of people, especially at peak times.

A possible solution that conquers the balance is revolving doors. Their familiar and favoured design allows for easy usage while keeping a steady flow of foot traffic, preventing overcrowding.

Going past the initial entrance, in education building’s you’ll often be met with a reception area. These tend to be designed to be vibrant and inspire people, building an excellent first impression to visitors. However, with no secure entrance control, unauthorised people would be free to wander.

To control this, security solutions such as speed gates can be put in place to prevent unauthorised access and tailgating. Speed gates work as ultimate solution to balance both a welcoming environment with safety in universities due to their subtle appearance that doesn’t raise concern to those in the premises.

Benefits of getting the balance right


Getting the balance of a welcoming environment with security measures visibly in place offers countless advantages.

It provides parents with the peace of mind they need when entrusting their children to a university, knowing that robust security measures are in action. Moreover, the right security setup serves as a powerful deterrent to any potential unauthorised access or theft.

Long-term goals of getting balance right

When a university cultivates a harmonious blend of welcoming comfort and solid security, they lay the foundations of a trusted legacy.

This is achieved by creating a sense of safety and a seamless building journey. Plus, any instances of theft or misconduct become easier to tackle, courtesy of a clear audit trail of building occupants. This leads to a higher resolution of incidents, fostering a happier environment for staff and students alike.

Balancing security standards in universities

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Alongside revolving doors and speed gates, other layers of protection can be put in place around a university. High-risk areas such as science labs, rooms with costly equipment, student accommodation, and on-campus gyms may warrant extra layers of protection.


Take, for example, Meesons C190 Security Portal. Not only does is it able to meet LPS 1175: Issue 8 security standards, demonstrating its resistance to forced attacks, but it also serves as a prestigious entrance that allows multiple people to pass through simultaneously. This ensures both a high level of security and a smooth, efficient flow of people traffic.

On top of the C190, Meesons range of Cylindrical Security Portals C1, C2, and C3 can be certified to LPS 1175: Issue 8.

Their design offers an open and inviting feel to an entrance without compromising on the security. With its sleek design, they’re able to effortlessly integrate into diverse entryways. And its advanced access control systems effectively deter unauthorised access, making it suitable for campus-gyms and student accommodation.

Perfecting the balance for aesthetics


University buildings should be designed to inspire and create environments that facilitate productivity and collaboration. Safety measures should seamlessly blend into this vision, enhancing rather than obstructing it.

Today’s advanced security solutions, with their customisable designs, can create a space that’s as safe as it is welcoming. And with integrated access control technology, these solutions can also enhance the user experience in the building.

Meesons EasyGate SPD Speed Gates have a history of helping higher education facilities provide both aesthetics and functionality to a building. With their minimalistic and customisable designs, the solution is able to suit its environment.

Alongside this, it has pressure sensing tops that prevent climb-over attempts and a significant holding force of 650N that provide a sturdy barrier against unauthorised access.



The pursuit of balancing a welcoming environment with robust safety measures in universities is not just a responsibility but an opportunity for growth and innovation. By fostering an inclusive atmosphere where every student feels valued and respected, universities can create a dynamic community that thrives on diversity and collaboration.

At the same time, implementing comprehensive safety protocols ensures that this vibrant environment is protected, giving students the confidence to engage fully in their academic and social experiences.

Ultimately, the goal is to cultivate an educational environment where students can achieve their fullest potential without compromising their sense of security.

By striking this delicate balance, universities enhance the quality of education and facilities available. This dual focus on welcome and safety is the cornerstone of a truly transformative educational experience.

Find out more about the work Meesons do with the Higher Education sector here: Securing Higher Education - Physical Security Solutions - Meesons