Survey reveals lengthening waits for payment

The National Specialist Contractors' Council kept poor payment in the news with results of an online survey which showed that 33% of its members had to wait between 60 and 90 days for payment in the final quarter of 2007. This compared to 21% in the third quarter and 5% in the second quarter.

The survey also saw 87% of firms reporting increases in suppliers' prices.

All three weeklies ran this story, with Building adding a survey from the Institute of Credit Management which named Carillion the third worst payer in the FTSE 250, with subcontractors having to wait an average of 80 days for their money. Other offenders from the institute's list were Speedy Hire (72 days), Bellway (63 days), Wolseley (59 days) and Keller (59 days).

Construction News and Building both reported comments from Taylor Wimpey's UK chief executive Ian Sutcliffe, made as he announced the company's results, over letters from its Bryant Homes arm to subcontractors announcing they would be taking a 5% pay cut.

Construction News's interpretation was that Sutcliffe had 'defended' the move, whereas Building reported he had 'regrets' over the letter. But both agreed that he did not rule out retrospective discounts on invoices.