Solar Windows hit a high note during the recent Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) conference and exhibition when the newly formed, Solar Band, performed a night of live rock and folk music to an audience of delegates and exhibitors.

The band, comprising Solar’s Bob Jenkins and Roger Gape, along with Roger’s daughter Nicki and friend Dave Manning, performed at the Grants Hotel in Harrogate on the last evening of the conference.

The event attracted many people from the social housing sector including Steve Long, the Director of the CIH in Wales, Pete Cahill, Chief Executive of the Valleys to Coast Housing Association and both Anne Hinchley Chief Executive of Wales and the West Housing Association and Mary Ashton, Business Development Director of Rooftop Housing.

Paul Diggory, Vice President of the CIH and Chief Executive of North Wales Housing even joined the band on stage and sang a few numbers.