Some of the industry’s finest minds gathered together to battle it out in the inaugural QS Quiz last week, held to celebrate the launch of QS News. But who were the winners and who were the also-rans?

More than 70 QSs exercised their grey matter in central London last week as they considered everything from the Eiffel Tower’s height to obscure 1960s pop hits.

The QS Quiz, held at the prestigious Waldorf Hotel last Thursday to celebrate the launch of QS News, saw 17 teams battle to establish their firms as the most knowledgeable.

After seven gruelling rounds taking in cinema, tall buildings, music and first lines from famous novels, the winning team emerged: Team Southwark, representing the in-house QS and architectural team from Southwark Council, who scored a very impressive 53 points out of 80.

The quartet not only walked away knowing that they had scaled intellectual heights way above their fellow professionals, but a weekend for four in Paris. They beat off stiff competition from QS News’ very own team called Dave (don’t ask) as well as foursomes from Gleeds and Davis Langdon to emerge victorious.

The win came as a surprise for team captain Bill Bradford, principal QS for the council’s south team. “We suddenly came through at the Elbow, just like in the Grand National. It was a great night,” he enthused.

Bradford said the team performed particularly well on the literary round and the final music questions. “A lot of the music questions came from my era – but quite how I remembered the ‘60s hit Concrete and Clay was performed by Unit 4 + 2, I’ll never know!”

*Were you right?

Special mention must also go to the team from project management firm Martin Associates, otherwise known as the MA Stars, who guessed the height of the Eiffel Tower to within three metres (it’s 320.75m) and won a bottle of champagne for their trouble. Associate partner Brian Cato said: “It stuck in my mind that it is just over 1,000ft high. We just added a few more to get to our final guess.”

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