Some 71% of small businesses believe there is little they can do to cut their energy costs, but only 20% have sought advice on how to become more energy efficient.

These are the damning findings of a survey carried out by pollster Ipsos Mori for British Gas Business (BGB).

BGB is now exhorting all British businesses to take carbon emissions reductions seriously.

Andrew Harvey, commercial director of BGB, said: “Too many companies see energy expenditure as a tax rather than something that can be controlled and reduced. If you’re an SME, you are less likely to have the resources to dedicate to energy efficiency planning.”

Of the 300 firms surveyed, only 18% had conducted an energy audit in the past year and 32% said they lacked information on how to make their business more energy efficient.

Harvey said: “Just over half of the companies recognise they need help to make their business more energy efficient and we want to assist.”