In reply to the views on regulations within our fine industry, I really can't understand what all the gripes are about. It has to be understood that we live and operate within the UK and as such we are expected to roll over and accept what's dished out to us.

I attended a NACOSS regional meeting some years back when all this kicked off.

I sat at the front (hearing not so good these days) and diligently listened to all the rubbish being spouted.

At the end of the first session we were invited to to ask questions. I asked "Who the hell thought up this load of c**p and, why haven't installers been given the chance to have our say?”

The reply was something like “Of course we talk to installers, we have representatives from ADT, Chubb etc, all having an input into this”.

I replied that when I talk about installers, I'm meaning people like myself, actually doing the job each day. At the coffee break, a number of people walked up to me and agreed with what I had said.

Thanks for the support, said I.

So, is it little wonder that all this comes upon us when no one has the wherewithall to stand up and challenge it?

Graham John, MJ Security, Gloucestershire