All articles by Sir Michael Latham – Page 2

  • Sir Michael Latham

    That’s the way the money goes


    Less than a third of all construction employers contribute to the levy for training, yet the entire industry benefits. Still need convincing? Read on…

  • Michael Latham

    Structural flaws


    The Strategic Forum’s new structure has trimmed down its unwieldy membership, but some of the changes could damage its status

  • Sir Michael Latham

    What the forum’s for


    The Strategic Forum has recovered well after the rushed publication and unmanageable targets of Accelerating Change. Where should it go next?

  • Michael Latham

    Oi, Le Corbusier …


    Teamwork between the client and its consultants ought to be embedded in our industry – but architects sometimes need to be reminded of this

  • Michael Latham

    Our silver jubilee


    Since 1980, there have been six general elections and continuous revolution in our industry. The new government must keep up the pace of change

  • Michael Latham



    Here’s to the British construction industry, and its ever more skilled workforce, committed clients and partners. Now, here’s how we can improve …

  • Michael Latham

    In defence of Peter


    A message to letter-writers and sub-editors: we’re lucky to have Peter Lobban as head of the CITB, and his remuneration package reflects this fact

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    10 years on


    The review of the Construction Act is not going to be Son of Constructing the Team – there aren't enough hours in the day – but it will be timely

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    Here starteth the lesson


    An initiative to promote training on social housing projects should show the industry how to shed its insecurities and secure its future

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    Our chance to shine


    National Construction Week is reaching out to schoolchildren across the country with a series of events designed to inspire young minds

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    Our life in your hands


    The Construction Industry Training Board must be doing a good job – because if it wasn't, it wouldn't exist. Here's how it works …

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    Our other prime minister


    Blair may be disenchanted with Brown, but he is stuck with him. As the Budget showed, the chancellor has complete control over the domestic agenda

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    On targets


    The industry must talk with clients, and clients must insist on partnering if we are to really achieve the strategic forum's objectives

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    What the forum is for


    Peter Rogers' strategic forum is a tough and capable vehicle for driving industry reform – but it should restrict itself to a few crucial objectives

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    State benefits


    First person The tables have been turned on private clients as the public sector increasingly embraces partnering and best practice.

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    How to score


    First person If we can get the construction team to work together rather than watching their own backs, we could be on to a winner.

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    Speak your weight


    First person Materials producers have a new body to speak for them that promises to have real political and industrial clout.